2008年3月8日 星期六

Homework 03-08-2009

1. Track your comments at a focal point


2. Using personal portal.

Comment:Done!See My i-google! or Download it to see the detail

3. Make your blog organized by adding labels


4. Reading Assignments: Read Chap 3. Answer the following questions.

  • What are the commercial values of Internet?
  • List some business strategies for online commerce.
Comment:Coming soon........
What are the commercial values of Internet?
1.The internet can be use to transform customer relationship.
2.The internet can displace or alter traditional source of business value.

List some business strategies for online commerce.
1.Channel Master strategy: The company can use the internet to creative more ways with customers to sell more traditional goods and services.
2.Customer magnet strategy : By using the internet to integrate the value chains of individual product online like in Yahoo or Ebay.
3.Value Chain pirate strategy : Use the commerce value chain to supply new relationships directly between suppliers and buyers.
4.Digital Distributor strategy : Can make more multimedia AD and sent it through internet.

2 Comment:

Jack 提到...

Your three "DOWN" so fast!!!..
You robbed my first position

小駱 提到...



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